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Serves premium cast iron solution providers.

Introducing Dinsen Repair Clamps


Pipe repair clamps offer a convenient, reliable, and safe solution for pipeline installation and repair. Suitable for various sizes and materials, these clamps provide effective external corrosion protection.

Versatility and Wide Application

Pipe repair clamps are widely used to connect appliances and pipelines. We offer a comprehensive range of pipe repair clamps from DN32 to DN500, ensuring compatibility with a variety of pipeline sizes.

Enhanced Reliability

Connecting pipes with repair clamps enhances their reliability. Except for high-pressure and special lines, almost all pipelines can benefit from this method. The weight of pipe repair clamps is only 30% of comparable flange connections, making them ideal for use in environments with gravitational eccentricities, distortions, and noise. They are especially effective in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations, where pipes expand and contract.

Key Features

  •   • Pressure Sealing: Ensures a secure and leak-proof connection.
  •   • Reliability: Provides a dependable connection for various pipeline systems.
  •   • Fireproof: Resistant to fire, enhancing safety.
  •   • Easy and Fast Installation: Can be installed in just 10 minutes without requiring specialized skills.
  •   • Maintenance: Simplifies maintenance processes.

Pipe repair clamps are an excellent choice for pipeline installation and maintenance, offering numerous benefits in terms of reliability, safety, and ease of use.


Post time: May-30-2024