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Serves premium cast iron solution providers.


  • floor drain

    floor drain

    A floor drain is a plumbing fixture that is installed in the floor of a structure, mainly designed to remove any standing water near it.
    Floor drain DN200*100
  • No Hub-SML 88° Bend with 250mm

    No Hub-SML 88° Bend with 250mm

    Size : 250mm
    Bend Angle : 88°

    Easy to install our Sewer drainage range includes solid pipe and fittings. A combined lip and compression seal into its solid pipe which is secure against dislodgement and makes jointing easier ensuring that joints remain leak free for years to come.
  • No Hub-SML 45° bend with 250mm

    No Hub-SML 45° bend with 250mm

    Size : 250mm
    Bend Angle : 45°

    Easy to install our Sewer drainage range includes solid pipe and fittings. A combined lip and compression seal into its solid pipe which is secure against dislodgement and makes jointing easier ensuring that joints remain leak free for years to come.
  • EN877 BML Pipe Fittings

    EN877 BML Pipe Fittings

    DS MLB (BML) Bridge drainage pipe fittings is has typical properties of resisting acidic waste gas, road salt mist, etc. suit-able for special requirements in the field of bridge construction,roads, tunnels with its typical resistance of acid exhaust fumes,road salt etc. Furthermore, MLB also can be used for underground installation.

    The material is cast iron with flake graphite as per EN 1561, at least EN-GJL-150. The inside coating of DS MLB fully meet EN 877; the outside coating corresponds to ZTV-ING part 4 steel construction, annex A,table A 4.3.2, construction part no. 3.3.3. The nominal dimensions range from DN 100 to DN 500 or 600,length 3000mm.